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An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
Extreme weather events are increasingly disrupting schooling. Yet, these are underrepresented in the climate change literature. Of 15 review articles on the economic impacts of climate change published since 2010, only three mention the impacts of climate change on education. We review available literature on the effects of weather extremes on education. We outline key pathways through which these events impact education outcomes, as well as the magnitude of those impacts. Evidence implies a...
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
More than 50 people dead in Tigray and Amhara regions while UN warns of ‘crisis-level hunger or worse’ in Somalia
Global fall averaged 4.2% between 2010 and 2022 but would have been far more if vehicle sizes stayed same
Scientists in Scotland are monitoring the North Atlantic for signs of weakening warm water currents.
Study finds impact of heat on millions of people went unrecorded, highlighting limitations many African countries face
An output of the Open Development & Education,
Africa's first heat officer is helping women keep cool in Sierra Leone's capital Freetown.
An output of the Open Development & Education,
How can we monitor indoor environmental quality without access to sophisticated measurement instruments? This blog highlights simple methods for checking classroom environmental quality. The methods cannot replace the processes of taking actual measurements and monitoring, or ensure that classrooms meet code requirements; they will, however, help identify particular problems and indicate actions that can be taken to avoid them. The end of the blog includes a table of the actions described...
This conference paper was delivered at UKFIET 2023 (Oxford). IT was a joint presentation between Laterite, Fab Inc, and Open Development & Education, as well as FCDO.
An output of the Open Development & Education,
Our programmes
Organisations, collaborators and clients
- Open Development & Education (22)
- UK FCDO (19)
Publication type
- Blogposts (2)
Eastern Africa
- Tanzania (19)
Eastern Africa
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1990 and 1999
- 1990 (1)
Between 1990 and 1999
- Between 2000 and 2025 (124)
- Unknown (34)