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Technical report for interventions in Kijichi Primary school: White paint, new roofs and ceiling boards
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- Regime Projects Tanzania (Author)
- Open Development & Education (Author)
Technical report for interventions in Kijichi Primary school: White paint, new roofs and ceiling boards
This report presents the findings from interventions aimed at improving classroom conditions at Kijichi Primary School in Tanzania. The study focuses on three key modifications: the installation of gypsum ceiling boards, the replacement of ageing metal roof sheets, and the application of white reflective paint on roofs. These interventions were designed to mitigate the effects of extreme heat and improve the overall indoor environmental quality (IEQ) for students and teachers.
The gypsum ceiling boards provided insulation, reducing heat transfer from the metal roofs and improving classroom acoustics. The replacement of old roof sheets addressed issues of leaks and thermal inefficiency, while the application of white roof paint aimed to reflect solar radiation, further lowering indoor temperatures. Findings indicate that these interventions contribute to a more comfortable learning environment, reducing heat stress and minimising disruptions to teaching.
The report also discusses implementation challenges, including cost constraints, the need for skilled labour, and maintenance considerations. Recommendations for future projects include testing alternative ceiling materials such as acoustic panels, assessing the long-term impact of reflective coatings, and refining intervention strategies to enhance scalability and affordability. These findings provide valuable insights for improving classroom infrastructure in other resource-constrained educational settings.
Report Type
Technical Report
Open Development & Education
19/06/2024, 23:00
Call Number
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
DOI: 10.53832/opendeved.1140
ZenodoArchiveID: 12189655
ZenodoArchiveConcept: 12189654
The publication is part of the Improving Learning through Classroom Experience programme.
Regime Projects Tanzania, & Open Development & Education. (2024). Technical report for interventions in Kijichi Primary school: White paint, new roofs and ceiling boards [Technical Report]. Open Development & Education.
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