The RAIFFET, a network for support and development of TVET in teacher training institutions in Africa

Resource type
Conference Paper
The RAIFFET, a network for support and development of TVET in teacher training institutions in Africa
The countries' development depends largely of the development and the effectiveness of their education systems, both to promote education for all (EFA) and technology and vocational education and training (TVET) for each of them. The situation is particularly difficult in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and it is very difficult for many countries to provide a school that offers all children the opportunity to attend school beyond some basics. The access to primary education is not guaranteed for all, and few of them have the opportunity to receive vocational training enabling them to obtain a recognized professional qualification. The lack of qualified and competent teachers is another manifestation of the problems. Many institutional actors, including UNESCO, help foster the development of educational policies to overcome these institutional, structural and functional weaknesses. The RAIFFET was formed to make a modest contribution to this momentum by supporting the development and structuring of teacher training and education research in SSA. This paper presents some elements of understanding of the situation and the orientations of the network's contribution to this dynamic.
Conference Name
29th PATT Conference "Plurality and complementarity of approaches in Design & Technology Education"
Ginestié, J. (2015). The RAIFFET, a network for support and development of TVET in teacher training institutions in Africa. 29th PATT Conference “Plurality and complementarity of approaches in Design & Technology Education.”