Scaling Learning Analytics up to the national level: the experience from Estonia and Uruguay

Resource type
Journal Article
Scaling Learning Analytics up to the national level: the experience from Estonia and Uruguay
This paper analyzes the key aspects in the implementation of national-level LA and the limitations that current initiatives present. With this purpose, we present a multiple case study that describes six national-level LA projects in Uruguay and Estonia. By means of a data value chain, we synthesize the steps followed by the LA projects to extract meaning out of data and discusses the main issues related to scaling up LA. We found out that these LA projects are driven by political and not so much by educational- aspects. We also saw that integrating personal data from different educational institutions is a key step in these projects, which entails technical, legal and administrative issues. We also see a big potential in national-level LA to provide a macro perspective that supports teachers, students, parents or school leaders to take evidence-based decisions.
Library Catalogue
Ruiz-Calleja, A., Garcıa, S., Tammets, K., Aguerrebere, C., & Ley, T. (2019). Scaling Learning Analytics up to the national level: the experience from Estonia and Uruguay.