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  • International cooperation has never been more needed, but the current system of “aid” is outdated and ineffective. The Future of Aid calls for a wholesale restructuring of the aid project, a totally new approach fit for the challenges of the 21st century: Global Public Investment. Across the world, billions of people are struggling to get by in unequal and unsustainable societies, and international public finance, which should be part of the answer, is woefully deficient. Engagingly written...

  • Few books in the history of Development Studies have had an impact like The Development Dictionary-A Guide to Knowledge as Power, which was edited by Wolfgang Sachs and published by Zed Books in 1992. The Development Dictionary was crucial in establishing what has become known as the Post-Development (PD) school. This volume is devoted to the legacy of The Development Dictionary and to discussing Post-Development. Thisbook originally publishedas a special issueof Third World Quarterly.

Last update from database: 28/04/2024, 10:06 (UTC)