The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning: A Summary for the Education Endowment Foundation. Full Report

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The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning: A Summary for the Education Endowment Foundation. Full Report
The aim of this review is to present a synthesis of the evidence from meta-analysis about the impact of the use of digital technology in schools on children's attainment, or more widely the impact of digital technology on academic achievement. It is divided up into three main sections. The first sets out an overview of the wider research into the impact of technology on learning to set the context and the rationale for the value of this information. The next section reviews the evidence from meta-analysis and other quantitative syntheses of research into the impact of digital technology. A further section looks at trends in the use of digital technology and learning in the UK and internationally, to provide further context for the recommendations which follow. The purpose of this review is to identify implications for future investment in the use of digital technology for learning in schools. Digital technologies are now embedded in society. Focus has shifted from whether or not to use them in teaching and learning, to understanding which technologies can be used for what specific educational purposes and then to investigate how best they can be used and embedded across the range of educational contexts in schools.
Education Endowment Foundation
Short Title
The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning
26/10/2023, 14:11
Library Catalogue
Publication Title: Education Endowment Foundation ERIC Number: ED612174
Higgins, S., Xiao, Z., & Katsipataki, M. (2012). The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning: A Summary for the Education Endowment Foundation. Full Report. Education Endowment Foundation.