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Basic elementary school is compulsory for students in most countries of the world. Therefore, children spend a considerable amount of their time in school studying. Subsequently, exposure to substances in their school indoor environment can affect their studies and health. In addition , children are more susceptible to indoor pollutants because their organ systems are immature. In general, there has been more research on the impact of offices and industrial environments on adult occupants...
To foster optimal student learning, well-being, and overall health, it is vital that school environments prioritise comfort.
This slide deck relates to a presentation given by OpenDevEd at The Education and Development Forum in Oxford (UKFIET 2023), as part of the sub-theme “Conflict, crisis, climate, and migration”. This presentation was part of the symposium called Climate, environment and education outcomes – Preliminary findings and practical experience from East and West Africa.
An output of the Open Development & Education,
Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Improving Learning Through Classroom Experience (ILCE) programme focuses on investigating whether modification of the built environment (temperature, light intensity, and acoustics) can positively impact the classroom experience to improve learning. This blog post is about the first pilot, where we tested the sensors in preparation
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
An output of the Open Development & Education,
A total of 15 classrooms went through on-site assessments/inspections, including measurements of temperature (T), and concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, the level of surface biocontamination/cleaning effectiveness was assessed by measuring adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels on students' desks. Based on the data, the quality of facilities in the buildings was low. Classroom occupancy exceeded ASHRAE 50 person/100 m2 standard in all cases indicating...
The infographic presents different options explored so far for possible modifications that could be implemented in classrooms in Tanzania. The interventions chosen will depend on the conditions of each classroom studied in the ‘Improving Learning Conditions through Classroom Experience’ programme.
The current climate emergency concerns and the COVID-19 pandemic demand urgent action to maintain healthy indoor environments in energy efficient ways. Promoting good indoor environments, in particular, increasing ventilation levels, has been a prominent strategy to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission indoors. However, this strategy could be detrimental to thermal comfort, particularly during the heating season in buildings located in temperate climate zones. This paper presents...
The current climate emergency concerns and the COVID-19 pandemic demand urgent action to maintain healthy indoor environments in energy efficient ways. Promoting good indoor environments, in particular, increasing ventilation levels, has been a prominent strategy to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission indoors. However, this strategy could be detrimental to thermal comfort, particularly during the heating season in buildings located in temperate climate zones. This paper presents...
In order to examine the associations between different indoor environmental quality (IEQ) indicators and students' performance, absenteeism and health data were collected, and sampling and monitoring were conducted in a 70 school district in the Southwestern United States during two academic years. These included measurements of temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), carbon dioxide (CO2), and settled dust. A standardized cleaning protocol was employed for surface sampling and cleaning...
This conference paper was delivered at UKFIET 2023 (Oxford). IT was a joint presentation between Laterite, Fab Inc, and Open Development & Education, as well as FCDO.
Our programmes
Organisations, collaborators and clients
- Open Development & Education (10)
- UK FCDO (6)
Publication type
- Blogposts (1)
Eastern Africa
- Tanzania (6)
Eastern Africa
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (21)