Meta-framework of digital literacy: a comparative analysis of 21st-century skills frameworks

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Journal Article
Meta-framework of digital literacy: a comparative analysis of 21st-century skills frameworks
Introduction: Faced with an imminent digital era marked by globalization and technological innovation, different organizations raised the importance of innovating education with the so-called 21st-century competencies. The need for new skills to participate in digital culture is highlighted in the different proposals, where digital competence is fundamental to live, work and participate in Knowledge Society. Methodology: This work aims to generate an integrated proposal of digital literacy through a comparative analysis of digital competence in eight frameworks of 21st-century skills (ATCS, enGauge, Naep, Nets, OECD, P21, UNESCO, European Union), which they are studied in three main thematic blocks: a) definition, b) objectives and vision, c) competencies and abilities. Results: Digital literacy encompasses a holistic approach, nurtured by different literacies, from which a meta-framework with nine competencies is built: three direct competencies, 1) information and data, 2) communication and collaboration, and 3) technical; five transversal competencies, 4) problem solving, 5) global citizenship and multicultural awareness, 6) interpersonal, 7) future thinking, 8) creative thinking and 9) critical thinking; and 53 cognitive, critical, technical, social, emotional and projective digital skills. Conclusions: Multidimensional digital literacy consolidates the techno-social perspective for empowerment and technological appropriation, which exceeds the operational use of tools and guarantees the broad, meaningful, and innovative use of technology for the construction of an equitable society, decent employment, social participation, among other purposes that are connected with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social
Journal Abbr
Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social
Short Title
Meta-framework of digital literacy
Library Catalogue
Martínez, M. C., Sádaba, C., & Serrano-Puche, J. (2021). Meta-framework of digital literacy: a comparative analysis of 21st-century skills frameworks. Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 79, 76–110.