Vocational Education and Training through Open and Distance Learning: World review of distance education and open learning
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Vocational Education and Training through Open and Distance Learning: World review of distance education and open learning
The world needs workers with more and better skills. Conventional apprenticeships and old methods of professional training are not providing enough skilled workers, so governments, companies and colleges are all using open and distance learning to fill these gaps. This unique international review of experience looks at the policies needed in both the private and the public sector for effective vocational education and training at all levels – from basic skills to continuing professional education. It goes on to examine the new roles of information and communication technologies, establishing what we know about their performance, and identifying the choices to be made in applying technologies to vocational education and training. The book will help senior institutional managers and policy makers to understand and appreciate:
• the role distance education can play in increasing skills levels in young people and the existing workforce; • the potential advantages and disadvantages of using technology, and therefore make better-informed choices about technology use; • how to integrate distance education with traditional educational models and approaches.
Moran, L., & Rumble, G. (2004). Vocational Education and Training through Open and Distance Learning: World review of distance education and open learning (Vol. 5). https://content.taylorfrancis.com/books/download?dac=C2004-0-01665-6&isbn=9781134283057&format=googlePreviewPdf
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