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Geospatial Analysis: A New Window Into Educational Equity, Access, and Opportunity

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Journal Article
Geospatial Analysis: A New Window Into Educational Equity, Access, and Opportunity
A robust body of geographic education policy research has been amassing over the past 25 years, as researchers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds have recognized the value of examining education phenomena from a spatial perspective. In this chapter, I synthesize 42 studies that examine education issues using a geographic information system, or GIS. The review is framed by the major thread that runs through this body of research: educational equity, access, and opportunity. I summarize the research within seven theme-based research topics and offer examples of geospatial analysis as applied to education. The chapter includes a discussion of the major barriers and limitation facing GIS researchers and offers thoughts about the future.
Review of Research in Education
March 1, 2020
Journal Abbr
Review of Research in Education
Short Title
Geospatial Analysis
07/03/2021, 14:15
Library Catalogue
SAGE Journals
Publisher: American Educational Research Association

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