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The CTTP--An Innovative and Successful Caribbean Project Using Distance Learning

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The CTTP--An Innovative and Successful Caribbean Project Using Distance Learning
The Comprehensive Teacher Training Project (CTTP) was an innovative and successful Caribbean project in distance learning designed to assist prospective or untrained teachers to qualify for entry to training colleges, to produce four Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) "O" level courses, to develop a delivery and distribution system, and to promote the development of distance education in the region and abroad. The project has consistently worked to maintain a learner centered focus. Courses were developed in English, mathematics, social studies, and integrated science. Material in all four courses was print-based with anticipated audio and face-to-face supports. Courses were divided into self-study learning packages called modules made up of several lessons, with each lesson to be completed at one sitting. Based on recent experience, it is estimated that the part-time adult learner should take approximately one to one and one-half years to complete the English course, from one and one-half to two years to complete the Social Studies course, and two years to complete the mathematics and science courses. Internal evaluation of the entire CTTP has been very good to excellent despite various problems. Data on learner characteristics, performance and feedback throughout the field-testing period has been collected and analyzed for the module revisions process. Of 95 field testing learners who wrote CXC exams in June 1992, 47 passed. In addition to the examination results and feedback from learners, comments indicating satisfaction with the program are summarized in the conclusion. (JB)
Castries, St. Lucia
Organisation for Co-operation in Overseas Development
19/11/2020, 10:31
Library Catalogue
Buckley, H. (1992). The CTTP--An Innovative and Successful Caribbean Project Using Distance Learning. Organisation for Co-operation in Overseas Development.