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At the heart of this study is a concern with moving from counting women—from a quantitative focus on gender parity—to having women count—ensuring conditions exist that allow women teachers to fully participate in quality teaching and the positive transformation of the teaching profession. Women comprise less than 20% of secondary school teachers in Ethiopia (MoE, 2014), reflecting similar patterns of under-representation elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study uses in-depth interviews...
Current instructional deliveries favour the use of mobile technology because of its inherent potentials and benefits such as portability, ease of use cost and others. Despite these benefits, many teachers especially in Sub-Saharan Africa still prefer the conventional method and use mobile phones for social engagements such as texting, chatting, callings and others. Though, these teachers use mobile phones for these social activities, using it for instruction is somewhat problematic for them...
The use of technology in education has experienced a number of changes. The use of the computer as a learning tool promoter is a constant challenge for educators. The creation, classification and maintenance of digital materials with educational content are laborious but essential tasks for the good use of technologies of information and communication in education, in various levels of education. In this context, the work that follows is intended to propose the creation of a reference model...
Scarf’s algorithm [18] provides fractional core elements for NTU-games. Biró and Fleiner [3] showed that Scarf’s algorithm can be extended for capacitated NTU-games. In this setting agents can be involved in more than one coalition at a time, cooperations may be performed with different intensities up to some limits, and the contribution of the agents can also differ in a coalition. The fractional stable solutions for the above model, produced by the extended Scarf algorithm, are called...
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