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GPT-4 Technical Report
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- OpenAI (Author)
- Achiam, Josh (Author)
- Adler, Steven (Author)
- Agarwal, Sandhini (Author)
- Ahmad, Lama (Author)
- Akkaya, Ilge (Author)
- Aleman, Florencia Leoni (Author)
- Almeida, Diogo (Author)
- Altenschmidt, Janko (Author)
- Altman, Sam (Author)
- Anadkat, Shyamal (Author)
- Avila, Red (Author)
- Babuschkin, Igor (Author)
- Balaji, Suchir (Author)
- Balcom, Valerie (Author)
- Baltescu, Paul (Author)
- Bao, Haiming (Author)
- Bavarian, Mo (Author)
- Belgum, Jeff (Author)
- Bello, Irwan (Author)
- Berdine, Jake (Author)
- Bernadett-Shapiro, Gabriel (Author)
- Berner, Christopher (Author)
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- Chantzis, Fotis (Author)
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- Chung, Hyung Won (Author)
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- Ecoffet, Adrien (Author)
- Eleti, Atty (Author)
- Eloundou, Tyna (Author)
- Farhi, David (Author)
- Fedus, Liam (Author)
- Felix, Niko (Author)
- Fishman, Simón Posada (Author)
- Forte, Juston (Author)
- Fulford, Isabella (Author)
- Gao, Leo (Author)
- Georges, Elie (Author)
- Gibson, Christian (Author)
- Goel, Vik (Author)
- Gogineni, Tarun (Author)
- Goh, Gabriel (Author)
- Gontijo-Lopes, Rapha (Author)
- Gordon, Jonathan (Author)
- Grafstein, Morgan (Author)
- Gray, Scott (Author)
- Greene, Ryan (Author)
- Gross, Joshua (Author)
- Gu, Shixiang Shane (Author)
- Guo, Yufei (Author)
- Hallacy, Chris (Author)
- Han, Jesse (Author)
- Harris, Jeff (Author)
- He, Yuchen (Author)
- Heaton, Mike (Author)
- Heidecke, Johannes (Author)
- Hesse, Chris (Author)
- Hickey, Alan (Author)
- Hickey, Wade (Author)
- Hoeschele, Peter (Author)
- Houghton, Brandon (Author)
- Hsu, Kenny (Author)
- Hu, Shengli (Author)
- Hu, Xin (Author)
- Huizinga, Joost (Author)
- Jain, Shantanu (Author)
- Jain, Shawn (Author)
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- Jiang, Angela (Author)
- Jiang, Roger (Author)
- Jin, Haozhun (Author)
- Jin, Denny (Author)
- Jomoto, Shino (Author)
- Jonn, Billie (Author)
- Jun, Heewoo (Author)
- Kaftan, Tomer (Author)
- Kaiser, Łukasz (Author)
- Kamali, Ali (Author)
- Kanitscheider, Ingmar (Author)
- Keskar, Nitish Shirish (Author)
- Khan, Tabarak (Author)
- Kilpatrick, Logan (Author)
- Kim, Jong Wook (Author)
- Kim, Christina (Author)
- Kim, Yongjik (Author)
- Kirchner, Hendrik (Author)
- Kiros, Jamie (Author)
- Knight, Matt (Author)
- Kokotajlo, Daniel (Author)
- Kondraciuk, Łukasz (Author)
- Kondrich, Andrew (Author)
- Konstantinidis, Aris (Author)
- Kosic, Kyle (Author)
- Krueger, Gretchen (Author)
- Kuo, Vishal (Author)
- Lampe, Michael (Author)
- Lan, Ikai (Author)
- Lee, Teddy (Author)
- Leike, Jan (Author)
- Leung, Jade (Author)
- Levy, Daniel (Author)
- Li, Chak Ming (Author)
- Lim, Rachel (Author)
- Lin, Molly (Author)
- Lin, Stephanie (Author)
- Litwin, Mateusz (Author)
- Lopez, Theresa (Author)
- Lowe, Ryan (Author)
- Lue, Patricia (Author)
- Makanju, Anna (Author)
- Malfacini, Kim (Author)
- Manning, Sam (Author)
- Markov, Todor (Author)
- Markovski, Yaniv (Author)
- Martin, Bianca (Author)
- Mayer, Katie (Author)
- Mayne, Andrew (Author)
- McGrew, Bob (Author)
- McKinney, Scott Mayer (Author)
- McLeavey, Christine (Author)
- McMillan, Paul (Author)
- McNeil, Jake (Author)
- Medina, David (Author)
- Mehta, Aalok (Author)
- Menick, Jacob (Author)
- Metz, Luke (Author)
- Mishchenko, Andrey (Author)
- Mishkin, Pamela (Author)
- Monaco, Vinnie (Author)
- Morikawa, Evan (Author)
- Mossing, Daniel (Author)
- Mu, Tong (Author)
- Murati, Mira (Author)
- Murk, Oleg (Author)
- Mély, David (Author)
- Nair, Ashvin (Author)
- Nakano, Reiichiro (Author)
- Nayak, Rajeev (Author)
- Neelakantan, Arvind (Author)
- Ngo, Richard (Author)
- Noh, Hyeonwoo (Author)
- Ouyang, Long (Author)
- O'Keefe, Cullen (Author)
- Pachocki, Jakub (Author)
- Paino, Alex (Author)
- Palermo, Joe (Author)
- Pantuliano, Ashley (Author)
- Parascandolo, Giambattista (Author)
- Parish, Joel (Author)
- Parparita, Emy (Author)
- Passos, Alex (Author)
- Pavlov, Mikhail (Author)
- Peng, Andrew (Author)
- Perelman, Adam (Author)
- Peres, Filipe de Avila Belbute (Author)
- Petrov, Michael (Author)
- Pinto, Henrique Ponde de Oliveira (Author)
- Michael (Author)
- Pokorny (Author)
- Pokrass, Michelle (Author)
- Pong, Vitchyr (Author)
- Powell, Tolly (Author)
- Power, Alethea (Author)
- Power, Boris (Author)
- Proehl, Elizabeth (Author)
- Puri, Raul (Author)
- Radford, Alec (Author)
- Rae, Jack (Author)
- Ramesh, Aditya (Author)
- Raymond, Cameron (Author)
- Real, Francis (Author)
- Rimbach, Kendra (Author)
- Ross, Carl (Author)
- Rotsted, Bob (Author)
- Roussez, Henri (Author)
- Ryder, Nick (Author)
- Saltarelli, Mario (Author)
- Sanders, Ted (Author)
- Santurkar, Shibani (Author)
- Sastry, Girish (Author)
- Schmidt, Heather (Author)
- Schnurr, David (Author)
- Schulman, John (Author)
- Selsam, Daniel (Author)
- Sheppard, Kyla (Author)
- Sherbakov, Toki (Author)
- Shieh, Jessica (Author)
- Shoker, Sarah (Author)
- Shyam, Pranav (Author)
- Sidor, Szymon (Author)
- Sigler, Eric (Author)
- Simens, Maddie (Author)
- Sitkin, Jordan (Author)
- Slama, Katarina (Author)
- Sohl, Ian (Author)
- Sokolowsky, Benjamin (Author)
- Song, Yang (Author)
- Staudacher, Natalie (Author)
- Such, Felipe Petroski (Author)
- Summers, Natalie (Author)
- Sutskever, Ilya (Author)
- Tang, Jie (Author)
- Tezak, Nikolas (Author)
- Thompson, Madeleine (Author)
- Tillet, Phil (Author)
- Tootoonchian, Amin (Author)
- Tseng, Elizabeth (Author)
- Tuggle, Preston (Author)
- Turley, Nick (Author)
- Tworek, Jerry (Author)
- Uribe, Juan Felipe Cerón (Author)
- Vallone, Andrea (Author)
- Vijayvergiya, Arun (Author)
- Voss, Chelsea (Author)
- Wainwright, Carroll (Author)
- Wang, Justin Jay (Author)
- Wang, Alvin (Author)
- Wang, Ben (Author)
- Ward, Jonathan (Author)
- Wei, Jason (Author)
- Weinmann, C. J. (Author)
- Welihinda, Akila (Author)
- Welinder, Peter (Author)
- Weng, Jiayi (Author)
- Weng, Lilian (Author)
- Wiethoff, Matt (Author)
- Willner, Dave (Author)
- Winter, Clemens (Author)
- Wolrich, Samuel (Author)
- Wong, Hannah (Author)
- Workman, Lauren (Author)
- Wu, Sherwin (Author)
- Wu, Jeff (Author)
- Wu, Michael (Author)
- Xiao, Kai (Author)
- Xu, Tao (Author)
- Yoo, Sarah (Author)
- Yu, Kevin (Author)
- Yuan, Qiming (Author)
- Zaremba, Wojciech (Author)
- Zellers, Rowan (Author)
- Zhang, Chong (Author)
- Zhang, Marvin (Author)
- Zhao, Shengjia (Author)
- Zheng, Tianhao (Author)
- Zhuang, Juntang (Author)
- Zhuk, William (Author)
- Zoph, Barret (Author)
GPT-4 Technical Report
We report the development of GPT-4, a large-scale, multimodal model which can accept image and text inputs and produce text outputs. While less capable than humans in many real-world scenarios, GPT-4 exhibits human-level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks, including passing a simulated bar exam with a score around the top 10% of test takers. GPT-4 is a Transformer-based model pre-trained to predict the next token in a document. The post-training alignment process results in improved performance on measures of factuality and adherence to desired behavior. A core component of this project was developing infrastructure and optimization methods that behave predictably across a wide range of scales. This allowed us to accurately predict some aspects of GPT-4's performance based on models trained with no more than 1/1,000th the compute of GPT-4.
Archive ID
24/02/2024, 17:40
Library Catalogue
arXiv:2303.08774 [cs]
OpenAI, Achiam, J., Adler, S., Agarwal, S., Ahmad, L., Akkaya, I., Aleman, F. L., Almeida, D., Altenschmidt, J., Altman, S., Anadkat, S., Avila, R., Babuschkin, I., Balaji, S., Balcom, V., Baltescu, P., Bao, H., Bavarian, M., Belgum, J., … Zoph, B. (2023). GPT-4 Technical Report (arXiv:2303.08774). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.08774
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