A Study on Cambodia Pre-service Secondary School Teacher Education with the Perspective of Teacher Professionalism

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A Study on Cambodia Pre-service Secondary School Teacher Education with the Perspective of Teacher Professionalism
The purpose of this study is to propose implications for improving Cambodia secondary pre-service teacher education in the view of teacher professionalism. To do so, this study attempts to review the current system and implementation of Cambodia secondary pre-service teacher education and reveal perception of current Cambodia teachers. The survey data in this analysis are from the secondary school teachers in Kampong Chhnang province. Survey, conducted in 2020, provides detailed information on to realistic perception and understanding on effectiveness of pre-service teacher education and teacher professionalism. For analyzing data, descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one way ANOVA are performed using SPSS Window 27.0. The research reveals that firstly, teachers have same degree of extrinsic motivation (monetary reward) and intrinsic motivation (interest in subject and teaching). As previous research reveals, in developing nations, extrinsic motivation can promote intrinsic motivation of teachers who are facing poverty. It provides evidence to make ‘motivational synergy’ for increasing motivation of Cambodia teachers. Secondly, respondent teachers perceived level of effectiveness to professional identity is the lowest score. Lastly, teachers who perceive professional teacher as ‘highly respected with social status’ have the highest training need for continuous learning. Thus, policy implications for making teachers feel that they are socially respected and valued with high prestige is positively influencing to teachers’ will of pursuing continuous learning and professional development. Finding suggests three policy implications. First, there needs to be greater need for improving curriculum for teachers’ professional identity. In other words, a focus on technical, competence and knowledge-based teacher professionalism need to be shifted to inner and moral aspect of teacher by developing curriculum and space to allow preservice teachers to shape and reflect on the meaning of teaching, learning and ultimately professional teacher. Secondly, additional one-year (named ‘professional year) is recommended for enhance Cambodia teacher education credibility and extend career choices that preservice teachers have. Lastly guideline reports on teacher education in developing countries need to be published by professional Korean research institutions. It is because, despite of enhanced global standing and expectation of Korean international development, global education cooperation is not professional yet.
서울대학교 대학원
13/07/2022, 08:53
Library Catalogue
Accepted: 2022-03-25T05:55:55Z Journal Abbreviation: 교원전문성 관점으로 본 캄보디아 중 예비교사교육 연구 : 캄퐁츠낭 중등 학교를 중심으로
이신애. (2021). A Study on Cambodia Pre-service Secondary School Teacher Education with the Perspective of Teacher Professionalism [Thesis, 서울대학교 대학원]. https://s-space.snu.ac.kr/handle/10371/177462