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This study was aimed at determining the trainers’ perception on the educational practices for optimization of pre-service training of quality agricultural teachers in Nigeria. Two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The target population for this study was 2040 respondents comprising 1800 lecturers from universities and 260 from colleges of education. A total of 204 university lecturers and 26 college lecturers were selected for the study using simple random sampling...
This latest volume in the World Yearbook of Education Series focuses on a major and highly significant development in the governing of education across the globe: the use of knowledge-based technologies as key policy sources. A combination of factors has produced this shift: first, the massive expansion of technological capacity signalled by the arrival of ‘big data’ that allows for the collection, circulation and processing of extensive system knowledge. The rise of data has been observed...
Design research is strongly associated with the learning sciences community, and in the 2 decades since its conception it has become broadly accepted. Yet within and without the learning sciences there remains confusion about how to do design research, with most scholarship on the approach describing what it is rather than how to do it. This article describes a technique for mapping conjectures through a learning environment design, distinguishing conjectures about how the design should...
This thesis provides a comparative theoretical analysis and empirical description of teachers' Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Abuja and Portsmouth. The theoretical sections comprise a comprehensive review of literature that examines teaching as a profession and key developments and the contribution of CPD towards teacher professionalization in both countries. The empirical aspect investigates and discusses the findings relating to teacher professional development, providing a...
This study was conducted to determine the perception of electrical engineering trade teachers on the role of information and communication technology (ICT) for classroom instructions in Technical Colleges in Adamawa and Gombe States of Nigeria. A forty item structured Questionnaire was distributed to twenty-six electrical engineering trade teachers from Adamawa and Gombe States technical colleges for collection of data. The questionnaire was face validated and trial tested on five electrical...
This paper discusses teacher education programme in Nigeria with emphasis on the fact that teachers are the life wires of any educational system, and as such they are indispensible factors in the development and advancement of any country.It has also been stressed that teachers have great influence in the life of the learning child and that a successful learning at all levels depends on the classroom teacher.It is against such background that it calls for assessing of the state of teacher...
To make teaching creative and effective in the 21 st century, the role of teacher as an organizer cannot be overemphasized. Digital literacy has blossomed in the nation with its popularity among the youth. However, sweeping and abrupt the changes are, most teachers have absorbed them with dispatch. The information tsunamis have made the teachers to have hard time monitoring the student to use the technology to promote teaching and learning. Without digital literacy, our teachers will be at a...
The present survey study aimed to diagnose the impact of training on teachers competencies. The study was of descriptive nature. The Competencies of teachers having no training and trained teachers were compared. Teachers Competencies Measurement Scale (TCMS) was used to compare competencies of both cohorts. To measure the impact of FPDP (a training program) on teacher competencies three categories of competencies: pedagogical, assessment & management and research competencies were made....
This chapter focuses on a study, which investigates the question: How do teacher education policies match teacher education practices in Anglophone West Africa? Teacher education policy in this chapter refers to action statements in verbal or written form made by national education authorities/agencies about teacher education, while teacher education practice refers to the work that teachers do. Using the method of research synthesis, multi-layered, purposeful sampling of various data...
The study was concerned with school based training needs of primary school teachers on computer/internet facilities usage and attainment of educational goals in primary schools in Uyo Local Government Area. A total of ten qualified mathematics teachers were drawn from the five primary schools and a total of hundred primary six pupils in the 2011/2012 session formed the study sample. The instrument used in gathering the data was the primary school teachers’ questionnaire (PSTQ) which contains...
Does teacher professional development make a difference? How do we know? While researchers and policy-makers acknowledge that teacher professional development (PD) needs to be assessed and evaluated, there is often little clarity as to how this can be achieved. Evaluation of teacher PD by schools has been described as the weak link in the PD chain despite it being linked with improved PD experiences and pupil outcomes. A lack of skills and tools to carry out such evaluations may be...
Colleges of Education are teacher training institutions established to train teachers for primary and junior secondary schools in Nigeria.Research shows that science teachers trained in these colleges are not performing well in classrooms after their graduation.This is due to problems associated with Colleges of Education such as lack of science equipment, bad leadership, lack of committed lecturers and bad admission policy.These problems make teachers trained in these colleges to be...
The purpose of this study was to investigate technical teachers’ perception of factions affecting practical skill acquisition among technical college graduates in Adamawa state, Nigeria. The study was guided by four research questions. The population for the study was 41 trade course technical teachers from three technical colleges in the state. Whole population was used for the study. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data for the study was analyzed using Mean and...
Transparent Building Envelope: Windows and Shading Devices Typologies for Energy Efficiency Refurbishments
Employers in South Africa are calling for students graduating from higher education institutions (HEIs) to exhibit the capacity for reflection. However, many tertiary institutions fall short in allowing opportunities for reflection. As a result, HEIs are grappling to find ways of fostering reflection amongst their students. This paper argues that digital storytelling if implemented properly is one of the ways which can be used to help HEIs in this accomplishment. It documents results of...
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- Chapter 15. Research Networks (45)
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- Appendix 1. Annotated Bibliography (32)
- Appendix 2. Research Design (3)
- Appendix 3. SCR (16)
- Appendix 5. Additional Materials (27)
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- Understanding Quality Characteristics of Edtech Interventions and Implementation for Disadvantaged Pupils (6)
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