Realities of Remote Learning: Lessons from Initial Findings of an 8,000-Household Survey in Peru During COVID-19

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Realities of Remote Learning: Lessons from Initial Findings of an 8,000-Household Survey in Peru During COVID-19
Most schools throughout Latin America have closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the school closures, nearly 8 million Peruvian students, from preschool to high school, are stuck at home. Within a few weeks, the Ministry of Education (Minedu) developed the Aprendo en Casa (AeC) (meaning “Learn at Home”) strategy. Although the strategy has been designed with diverse users in mind, many have asked: How many students are actually using the AeC distance education program? What can we improve? In this context, Minedu's Office of Strategic Monitoring and Evaluation (OSEE), with the support of Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), designed a survey to learn about the experiences of school administrators, teachers, and parents with the program.
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Innovations for Poverty Action
22/06/2020, 14:01
Short Title
Realities of Remote Learning
21/08/2020, 14:08
Realities of Remote Learning: Lessons from Initial Findings of an 8,000-Household Survey in Peru During COVID-19. (2020, June 22). Innovations for Poverty Action.