Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools in Ireland Report: A Two-month Follow-up

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Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools in Ireland Report: A Two-month Follow-up
This research report looks at leadership and wellbeing in Primary Schools two months after the COVID-19 school closures, in total 939 leaders completed the survey. It follows a previous report on practice in Primary Schools two weeks after school closures (Burke and Dempsey, 2020). It reports on the changes in communication, concerns and wellbeing from week two to month two after the COVID-19 school closure; the wellbeing of school leaders in the middle of the COVID-19 school closure; and, investigates the intricacies in wellbeing between teaching and administrative principals, given that their daily duties differ significantly. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS, and qualitative data was analysed using MAXQDA. It found that principals are adapting to the impact of the pandemic, both professionally and personally, however there have been significant challenges noted. It was noted that social wellbeing is the biggest challenge for principals, however seven out of 10 principals have taken specific actions to address this challenge during the lockdown. Lack of time was an issue for those principals who have not taken positive action regarding their wellbeing, with some fulfilling multiple professional and personal roles. While there have been challenges associated with the adaptation and implementation of new online practices, and some schools lack technology, there has been a positive move to online learning.
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Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools in Ireland Report
12/08/2020, 17:25
Publisher: Maynooth University
Dempsey, M., & Burke, J. (2020). Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools in Ireland Report: A Two-month Follow-up [Monograph].