Influence of Supervision on Technical College Teachers’ Performance in Yobe State, Nigeria

Resource type
Journal Article
Influence of Supervision on Technical College Teachers’ Performance in Yobe State, Nigeria
The persistent lack of teachers’ dedication to teaching led to poor students’ academic performance and trickling down to graduating less skill-oriented students by Yobe state technical colleges. This development has been attributed to the manner administrators apply various school policies. It is in view of this that a present study investigated the influence of internal instructional supervision on teachers’ performance in technical colleges of Yobe State, Nigeria. The study conducted in eight technical colleges, employed a descriptive survey research design guided by two research questions and two null hypotheses. The population of the study was 894 which consisted of 766 technical college teachers and 128 school administrators. A sample size of 280 respondents comprising of 240 technical teachers and 40 school administrators were selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers. Three validators have validated the questionnaire which was later trial tested on 20 technical teachers and five school administrators in Government technical college, Yola Adamawa State. A reliability coefficient of 0.92 was obtained using Cronbach’s Alpha. Data collected was analyzed using Mean statistics to answer the research questions, while z-test at 0.05 level of significance was used in testing the hypotheses. Findings of the study revealed among others that internal instructional supervision is being carried out to a high extent in technical colleges of Yobe State; it also influences teachers’ performance by improving their skills in various instructional activities/processes. The study recommended among others that Ministry of Education should through the science and technical schools board intensify external supervision in order to complement the existing high extent internal instructional supervision policy obtainable in technical colleges in Yobe State for more effective teacher performance.
ATBU Journal of Science, Technology & Education
Call Number
openalex: W2892598312
openalex: W2892598312 mag: 2892598312 id: openalex:W2892598312 keywords: , , ,
Moses, D., Ndatti, B., Adamu, U. A., & Wakili, B. A. (2018). Influence of Supervision on Technical College Teachers’ Performance in Yobe State, Nigeria. ATBU Journal of Science, Technology & Education, 6(2), 192–202.