Overview of emerging country-level response to providing continuity under COVID-19 What steps are being taken to reach the most disadvantaged students during the period of Covid-19 school closure?

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Overview of emerging country-level response to providing continuity under COVID-19 What steps are being taken to reach the most disadvantaged students during the period of Covid-19 school closure?
Overview of emerging country-level response to providing continuity under COVID-19 What steps are being taken to reach the most disadvantaged students during the period of Covid-19 school closure? FULL REPORT PDF DOWNLOAD Summary of report Scope of study This report provides a rapid summary of country-level responses to the management of school closures in 2020, with a focus on the…
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EdTech Hub
25/03/2021, 14:05
Gould, B. (n.d.). Overview of emerging country-level response to providing continuity under COVID-19 What steps are being taken to reach the most disadvantaged students during the period of Covid-19 school closure? EdTech Hub. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://edtechhub.org/overview-of-emerging-country-level-response-to-providing-continuity-under-covid-19-what-steps-are-being-taken-to-reach-the-most-disadvantaged-students-during-the-period-of-covid-19-school-closure/