Understanding Sustainable Exit Strategies of Voluntary Development Organisations. Amical Break-Up or Messy Divorce?

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Understanding Sustainable Exit Strategies of Voluntary Development Organisations. Amical Break-Up or Messy Divorce?
Over the past decade, the changing aid architecture has been at the center of attention in development studies. The increasing number of established development actors and the influx of alternative development actors are attracting the attention of academic research. At the same time, still relatively little attention is being given to organisations exiting the field. In this chapter, we present a new framework to study sustainable exist strategies. We apply the framework on the ending of the partnership of two Dutch voluntary, small-scale development organisations (Private Development Initiatives, PDI) with their Indonesian local counterparts. Through a case-study approach, we study why and how partnerships are ended and how this impacts the sustainability of development interventions. We argue that the emotional connection between the PDI and its local counterpart is key feature in understanding their exits.
Book Title
The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations
Num Pages: 16
Mil, S. K., Anne-Fleur Lurvink, Imke van. (2023). Understanding Sustainable Exit Strategies of Voluntary Development Organisations. Amical Break-Up or Messy Divorce? In The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations. Routledge.