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This report summarises published research on how children’s performance of schoolwork in primary and secondary schools and their subsequent educational attainments are affected by classroom temperature, air quality, noise, and lighting. The main conclusions (Items 1-20) are set out below as unequivocal statements that are validated by the findings of the detailed reviews of research published that form the bulk of the report, or by the findings of research published since those reviews were...
Energy conservation in buildings as a way to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases is forcing an urgent re-examination of how closely thermal and air quality conditions should be controlled in buildings. Allowing conditions to drift outside the optimum range would conserve very large amounts of energy and would in most cases have only marginal effects on health or subjective comfort. The question that then arises is whether occupant performance would be negatively affected and if so, by...
This study managed to create thermal comfort conditions at three temperatures (24°C-T24, 26°C-T26, and 28°C-T28) by adjusting clothing and air velocity. Thirty- six subjects (18 males and 18 females) were exposed to each of the three conditions for 4.5 h in a design balanced for order of presentation of conditions. During each exposure, they rated the physical environment, their comfort, the intensity of acute subclinical health symptoms, and their mental load, and they performed a...
This study investigated whether adjusting clothing to remain in neutral thermal comfort at moderately elevated temperature is capable of avoiding negative effects on perceived acute subclinical health symptoms, comfort, and cognitive performance. Two temperatures were examined: 23°C and 27°C. Twelve subjects were able to remain thermally comfortable at both temperatures by adjusting their clothing. They rated the physical environment, their comfort, the intensity of acute subclinical health...
A two-week-long intervention study was performed in two classrooms in an elementary school in Costa Rica. Split-cooling air-conditioning (AC) units were installed in both classrooms. During the first week, the air temperature was reduced in one classroom while in the other (placebo) classroom the fans were operated but no cooling was provided. During the second week, the conditions were exchanged to create a 2 × 2 crossover design in which each pupil was their own control. A total of 37...
Ten healthy young adults slept one by one in a specially designed and constructed sleep capsule located in a climate chamber at two temperatures (24 °C and 28 °C) and two ventilation rates that ensured that the resulting CO2 concentrations were 800 and 1700 ppm. Subjectively rated sleep quality was reduced at 28 °C and reduced ventilation, while sleep onset latency was longer under these conditions. Sleep efficiency was lower at 28 °C. Subjectively rated fatigue and sleepiness decreased...