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Retention and attrition among National Certificate (Vocational) Civil and Construction students in South African TVET

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Journal Article
Retention and attrition among National Certificate (Vocational) Civil and Construction students in South African TVET
© The Author(s) 2018. The National Certificate (Vocational) (NC(V)) was introduced into South Africa’s system of vocational training to ‘solve problems of poor quality programmes, lack of relevance to the economy, as well as low technical and cognitive skills of TVET [technical and vocational education and training] graduates’. The NC(V) did not, however, meet expectations, partially because of systemic difficulties. This article reports on research conducted among students who studied on the NC(V) Civil and Construction programme in an effort to identify appropriate corrections that could be made by college management. The research project made use of Tinto’s Student Integration Model to identify reasons for both student attrition and student persistence. The study provides information on the predicament facing TVET Civil and Construction students and has broad relevance for practitioners operating in higher and post-school education.
Industry and Higher Education
Van der Bijl, A., & Lawrence, M. (2019). Retention and attrition among National Certificate (Vocational) Civil and Construction students in South African TVET. Industry and Higher Education.