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Dinus Intelligent Assistance (DINA) Chatbot for University Admission Services

Resource type
Conference Paper
Dinus Intelligent Assistance (DINA) Chatbot for University Admission Services
Nowadays, universities offer most of their services using corporate website. In higher education services including admission services, a university needs to always provide excellent service to ensure student candidate satisfaction. To obtain student candidate satisfaction apart from the quality of education must also be accompanied by providing consultation services and information to them. This paper proposes the development of Chatbot which acts as a conversation agent that can play a role of as student candidate service. This Chatbot is called Dinus Intelligent Assistance (DINA). DINA uses knowledge based as a center for machine learning approach. The pattern extracted from the knowledge based can be used to provide responses to the user. The source of knowledge based is taken from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) guest book. It contains of questions and answers about UDINUS admission services. Testing of this system is done by entering questions. From 166 intents, the author tested it using ten random sample questions. Among them, it got eight tested questions answered correctly. Therefore, by using this study we can develop further intelligent Chatbots to help student candidates find the information they need without waiting for the admission staffs's answer.
Proceedings Title
2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication
Conference Name
2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication
Library Catalogue
IEEE Xplore
Agus Santoso, H., Anisa Sri Winarsih, N., Mulyanto, E., Wilujeng saraswati, G., Enggar Sukmana, S., Rustad, S., Syaifur Rohman, M., Nugraha, A., & Firdausillah, F. (2018). Dinus Intelligent Assistance (DINA) Chatbot for University Admission Services. 2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication, 417–423.