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Dynamic content synchronization between learning management systems over limited bandwidth network
- Ijtihadie, Royyana M. (Author)
- Hidayanto, Bekti C. (Author)
- Affandi, Achmad (Author)
- Chisaki, Yoshifumi (Author)
- Usagawa, Tsuyoshi (Author)
This publication cites "Bridging the bandwidth gap" as follows:
"Some parts of the world, such as developing countries, are still suffering from high prices and unstable Internet bandwidth as well as connectivity problems which makes the effort of e-Learning useless due to slow access to the LMS [1]. Aside from the resource gap, certain developing countries such as Indonesia are suffering from limitation of network infrastructure in terms of bandwidth and stability in which we referred to as limited bandwidth network." (p.18)
"Implementation Platform and system architecture In essence, this system comprises two entities which communicates in order to maintain the consistency of the content at both sides. The system employs a hybrid online/offline" (p.19)
"system [2,3] which puts the remote content in local network while keeping both content similar with respect to the available bandwidth [1]." (p. 20)