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Entrepreneurship training and skills development in Africa: Evidence from Koforidua Technical University, Ghana

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Journal Article
Entrepreneurship training and skills development in Africa: Evidence from Koforidua Technical University, Ghana
Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. The significant role entrepreneurial training plays in the success of entrepreneurs has been touted in the literature. This paper explores the idea of practical entrepreneurship training and skills development among African students. The primary objective is to establish the extent to which acquisition of practical entrepreneurial training in addition to the students’ course of study is beneficial to them. The findings revealed that practical entrepreneurial training is new to students in Ghana. The few students who are exposed to practical entrepreneurial training have acquired entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, and this enabled them to set up their own businesses. The findings of this study have implications on growth and development of the economies Africa by creating new and innovative jobs to subsequently and significantly decrease unemployment. The study recommends that tertiary institutions should have entrepreneurial centre for practical sessions.
International Journal of Economics and Business Research
Loc. in Archive
Dzisi, S., Odoom, F. D., & Gligah, B. (2018). Entrepreneurship training and skills development in Africa: Evidence from Koforidua Technical University, Ghana. International Journal of Economics and Business Research.