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  • This report looks at transition from central to federal responsibilities for health and education in Nepal and Indonesia. Federalism is a complex process and it was outside of the scope of this review to investigate the extent to which it has been developed in these countries and the nature of its functioning. Challenges identified in the literature on transition to federalism and decentralisation include ensuring equitable distribution of finances and resources across states, slow transfer...

  • There was little published literature on the barriers to girls’ education in the DRC. The main findings of the research suggest that cultural history, economic lack, and the coexistence of these are the main factors hindering access to girls’ education. Limited data suggest that inequality is less significant at primary age so looking at problems for both boys and girls is likely to be relevant. At adolescence the gap is wider and the barriers are more gendered. This review synthesises...

  • There is concern that children in developing countries are not learning sufficient mathematics skills. Focus on enrolment and literacy may have led to neglect of mathematics learning and less is known about the status in this area. According to a UNESCO study in 2014 fewer than 50 per cent of grade 6 students have achieved a minimum level in mathematics in three quarters of eastern and southern African countries (UNESCO, 2014). In the remaining quarter of countries, between 56 and 62 per...

  • This report synthesises evidence on the trends in the gender gap in primary and secondary school, particularly for the emerging regions: Afar, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambela, and Somali in 2000 to 2019. This report was completed in two parts, results from statistical research and extraction from four reports provided by the requester. Four reports were provided to review for this helpdesk with data extraction in section 8. A report on advancing women’s equality in Africa focussed on improving...

  • The most important element for successful adult literacy and numeracy learning is to take a people-centred approach. Literacy and numeracy teaching should be incorporated into subjects that are directly relevant and useful for participants. Ideally, learners would be consulted on their priorities and be involved in the planning and design of the programme and of educational materials. The most effective learning will happen when adults are actively engaged in the construction of their own...

  • Improving basic education outcomes is a very broad research area. The time constraints of the helpdesk review directed focus on large-scale reviews of learning strategies in low- and middle-income countries. This was supplemented by rapid searching to see what research could be identified within the limitations of this report that focussed on outcomes on highly marginalised, conflict affected children, or those from federal states. Broader scope strategies to improve learning for other...

  • This rapid literature review sets out to identify evidence on approaches to measuring the prevalence of violence in schools across low and middle income countries and the data available based on these measurement approaches. The review includes a list of key sources of evidence on measurements and a review of statistical data on the the prevalence of violence in schools for low and middle income countries globally.

  • Animal source foods (ASF) are an important source of nutrients. They are a particularly good source of iron and zinc which prevents stunting. The main factors affecting ASF consumption that were discussed in the literature identified were nutritional knowledge, price, and livestock production. Broader links between poverty and ASF were not discussed within the scope of this report. Nutritional knowledge should first be assessed before education programmes are devised. Many communities have...

  • Eight evaluation and one research report were provided by DFID for this review. The Girls Education Project (GEP III) consists of multiple interventions aiming to provide meaningful and relevant quality basic education for integrated Qur’anic education. Outputs include increasing capacity of teachers, improved governance and improving access and demand. Evaluations on the capacity of teachers to improve learning outcomes did not produce improved learning outcomes. The evaluation of the GEP...

  • It is not possible to do a formal comparison of budget allocations within social services in different countries with the data identified. The data from different countries are from different sources and different years and budget allocations are measured and reported in different ways. There are even some discrepancies from different sources on the same country. The data reported here, however, can be used to give a broad impression of the amounts of social budgets apportioned to wages for...

Last update from database: 17/07/2024, 20:01 (UTC)