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Revisiting Technical and Vocational Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Update on Trends, Innovations and Challenges. New Trends in Technical and Vocational Education
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- Atchoarena, David (Author)
- Delluc, Andre (Author)
Revisiting Technical and Vocational Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Update on Trends, Innovations and Challenges. New Trends in Technical and Vocational Education
Differences in historical, political, cultural, and economic contexts in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) account for wide variations in structures, operating conditions, and outcomes in technical and vocational education (TVE). This diversity is associated with glaring disparities, so in examining policy trends and the reconstruction of training systems particular attention is focused on innovations in an effort to identify promising initiatives likely to contribute to the establishment of consistent TVE systems, closely linked with the world of work and involving labor market stakeholders. Some common emerging trends in TVE include the following: (1) a shift in the policy focus from inputs to outputs; (2) the use of new financing and certification mechanisms; (3) the involvement of social partners in governance; greater autonomy for institutions; (4) the promotion of private providers and company-based training; and (5) an increasing interest in the informal sector and skills development for poverty reduction. Issues addressed include these: (1) an overview of TVE systems in 10 SSA countries; (2) reviewing various models currently in place; (3) documenting relationships between African TVE systems and policies and donor intervention and traditions in TVE; (4) identifying reasons why certain reforms are facing implementation difficulties; analyzing specific innovations; (5) drawing lessons on the implementation of the reform agenda and its impact on TVE systems; and (6) discussing possible directions for future donor support. (Includes 167 references.) (MO)
Short Title
Revisiting Technical and Vocational Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
01/02/2020, 20:52
Atchoarena, D., & Delluc, A. (2002). Revisiting Technical and Vocational Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Update on Trends, Innovations and Challenges. New Trends in Technical and Vocational Education.
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