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Knowledge Production in the Knowledge Economy: Higher Education Institutions and the Application of Innovations in ICT for Capacity Development in Africa

Resource type
Journal Article
Knowledge Production in the Knowledge Economy: Higher Education Institutions and the Application of Innovations in ICT for Capacity Development in Africa
[FRGMNT] … 16.7 101.6 34.1 6 6.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Pre-primary Primary secondary TVET Tertiary Fig. 1. Education Access in Sub-Saharan Africa (% GER), 2011. Sources: Nsapato, Limbani (2012). Knowledge Production in the Knowledge Economy 295 Page 12 … [...]… RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Data for the study was gathered through qualitative research method, and theory-driven multiple case study approach was adopted (Yin, 2004) to examine the higher education system in Kenya and Uganda (East Africa) … [...]… Data for the study was gathered through qualitative research method, and theory-driven multiple case study approach was adopted (Yin, 2004) to examine the higher education system in Kenya and Uganda (East Africa) … 120 Pre-primary Primary secondary TVET Tertiary Fig …
Evoh, C., Mugimu, C., & Chavula, H. (2014). Knowledge Production in the Knowledge Economy: Higher Education Institutions and the Application of Innovations in ICT for Capacity Development in Africa. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdf/10.1108/S1479-3679(2013)0000021013