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A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research and Suggestions for the Research Agenda

Resource type
Journal Article
A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research and Suggestions for the Research Agenda
This paper gives a description of research in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET). The field of VET research is quite scattered, so giving a full overview is hardly possible. Nevertheless, the VET research presented at the European Conference of Educational Research 2011 (Berlin) is reviewed, as well as the content of a number of VET research journals of publication year 2011. Research themes and topics are defined, and according to the categories the research is reviewed. The conclusions of the review are: 1. there is a large amount of research on VET which is quite diverse and fragmented; 2. much VET research lacks theoretical and empirical foundation; the dominant research methods are case and desk studies and explorative and analytical studies. There are hardly any experiments and intervention and design-based research studies; 3. there are various urgent topics for further research, which are elaborated in the paper.
Library Catalogue
Mulder, M., & Roelofs, E. (2011). A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research and Suggestions for the Research Agenda.