
A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research in 2012 and Suggestions for the Research Agenda

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A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research in 2012 and Suggestions for the Research Agenda
This paper is a follow-up of the paper ECER-presented in 2012, ‘A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research and Suggestions for the Research Agenda’ (Author & Co-author, 2012). This paper gave a description of research in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in 2011. This new paper gives an overview of the field of VET research in 2012. In this article the VET research presented at the European Conference of Educational Research 2012 (Cádiz) is reviewed, as well as the articles of a number of VET research journals of publication year 2012. A total of 173 articles are reviewed and after a qualitative interpretation divided into seven different research themes. The conclusions of the review are quite similar to last year. 1. There is a lot of VET research and this research is quite diverse and fragmented. 2. The quality of the articles is not always very high, also because a lot of conference proceedings are included. 3. There are many important topics for further research.
Mulder, M., & Roelofs, E. (2012). A Critical Review of Vocational Education and Training Research in 2012 and Suggestions for the Research Agenda. https://www.mmulder.nl/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2013-Mulder-Roelofs-Critical-Review-of-VET-Research-and-Research-Agenda-2012.pdf